Emiliano diCavalcanti

About the artist:
(1897 – 1976) FTIgallery.com offers Philadelphia and the entire northeast original oil on canvas works from prominent modern artists like Emiliano di Cavalcanti. He was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1897 – 1976. He was a painter, illustrator, caricaturist, engraver, muralist, scenographer. Di Cavalcanti was influenced at an early age by the intellectuals he met at his uncle’s house. This would provide the basis for a lifelong politically driven artistic career, which would start by the production of a drawing published by the magazine Fon-Fon. Di Cavalcanti was obsessed with the female body, since very many representations are to be found within the works he made. The street scenes depicted by di Cavalcanti are cheerful, characterized by a palette of bright colors and the depictions of everyday life in a normal, non-romanticized way. His works are on par with other prominent modern artists of the time like Picasso.